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Italtrike and its Made in Italy tricycle at Milano Design Week

From April 17th to 23rd, Italtrike Italtrike and its Made in Italy tricycle are at Milano Design Week,
at “A casa Ovunque”, in zona Tortona, via Savona 33.
An hybrid event, between physical and digital, and at the same time a space to show the different ways of living Home and Design.
Not just a “Home” but a space built for good living, working and sharing experience, for having fun and for both adults and children to play.

During the week, various activities and talks were held within the walls of “Home Everywhere “,
important moments of sharing between different realities, people and sectors.
We have talked about motricity, play, education, city mobility, well-being and sustainability.

Along with our ride-on, La cosa, there were our tricycles, first steps, skates, scooters and toys on wheels.
All products designed and produced in Italy.
With them, our Flurry, the innovative digital bicycle that promotes movement, fun and learning through interactive educational games.

“Home Everywhere” was conceived and created by The Playful Living in collaboration with the RCS MEDIA Group
and Style Piccoli, the reference magazine for Childhood lifestyle, fashion, trends, travel and news.