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Italtrike Trycicles: born to grow together

Since 1983, Italtrike tricycles and toys on wheels have been alongside the little ones to accompany them in playing and in the most important moments of their growth. Many products created to educate, last and entertain, but above all to ensure the motor and intellectual development of every child. 

Our philosophy? Putting the well-being of the little ones at the center of our products, guaranteeing their development and enjoyment while respecting the environment and thus their future.

Ready for Tomorrow

All our games are designed to help them develop motor skills through movement, and better prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow.

Play on the go with Italtrike

Discover the Italtrike products most loved by little ones

To grow in a sustainable future

For us, sustainability means thinking about our future and that of our children. This is why all Italtrike products are built with innovative and eco-friendly materials.