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Italtrike tricycles and wheel toys:
born to grow up together
in harmony with nature.

Since 1983, Italtrike tricycles and wheel toys have been supporting children in playing
and in the most important moments of their growth.
Many products designed to educate, last and enjoy but above all
to ensure every child’s motor and intellectual development.

Our corporate philosophy? Children’s well-being at the heart of our products.
Ensuring their development and fun, respecting the environment and thus their future.

More about our commitment to Sustainability.

Ready for Tomorrow

Tutti i nostri giochi sono studiati per aiutarli nello sviluppo delle capacità motorie attraverso il movimento, e prepararli al meglio alle sfide del domani.

Per crescere in un futuro sostenibile

Sostenibilità per noi è pensare al nostro futuro e a quello dei nostri figli. Per questo tutti i prodotti Italtrike sono costruiti con materiali innovativi ed eco-friendly.

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