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The Sustainability of Italtrike is made up of concrete actions.

Italtrike, as Italian manufacturer of toys for children, is always committed to making practical choices to ensure that its business is sustainable and in harmony with the Environment.

Over the years we have been working hard, and so we keep on doing it.

We have eliminated single-use plastic from our packaging with the –Bravo Box– project started in 2019; we have built a network of local suppliers, local excellences close to our headquarters; we have selected the best and quality materials to ensure the robustness and durability of products -made to last– for our customers; we supply spare parts for each of our products promoting a –zero waste- approach.

We have manufactured the new tricycles, skates, scooters, ride-ons and first steps, according to a circular economy design that optimises performance and minimises environmental impact.

We created the Italtrike Forest by planting 1,000 trees to raise awareness against deforestation, to protect the green lungs of our planet. We have increased our capacity to self-generate clean energy with our photovoltaic system

We keep monitoring our resource consumption and have calculated the LCA of our activity to make us aware of our ‘weight’ and work to decrease it.

These are projects that require time, passion, a lot of work and financial commitment. No one forced us to take these decisions and go in this direction. We have been going in this direction for 40 years because it is precisely through these actions and decisions that we express Italtrike’s spirit, our business model, and our vision of an Italian children’s product company.